In October, with the participation of dbh employees Timo Köhler and Dietmar Kreis, work began on the research project “Binntelligent – Intelligent Information Systems for Process Optimization and Automation in the Inland Port”. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) under the “IHATEC – Innovative Port Technologies” programme. During the three-year project period, the researchers aim to lay the foundation for cross-company communication between the inland port of the future and the associated transport operators through the use of intelligent information technologies. On 30 October, the official launch of “Binntelligent” took place with a kick-off event at the Bremen Institute for Maritime Economics and Logistics.
Unlocking innovation potential in inland navigation
In national and international freight transport, German inland ports are an important link between inland waterway transport and other modes of transport. “The current situation in
ports are particularly characterised by close interlinking between different actors. Nevertheless, potentials remain untapped due to interruptions in the flow of information between the participants,” says project manager Arne Gehlhaar from the ISL. “This is where we want to start with a cross-company information system and already see a wide range of possibilities for water- and land-side process optimization.” The IT-supported communication between inland waterway transport, seaports, inland ports and the connecting modes of transport is also intended to create the conditions for future synchromodal transport concepts with “Binntelligent”.

Broad support for the project
The concepts and solutions developed in the project will be implemented and evaluated as an example for the Weser and Mittellandkanal shipping areas together with inland navigation and the ports of Hanover, Braunschweig, Bremen and Bremerhaven. In addition to the ISL, the Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics GmbH (BIBA), dbh Logistics IT AG, Hafen Hannover GmbH, the port operating company Braunschweig mbH, Rhein-Umschlag GmbH & Co. KG are involved in the project. In addition, “Binntelligent” receives broad support from other well-known partners from the logistics and port industries as well as politicians: For example, the Senator for Economics, Labour and Ports of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen sees the project as a valuable opportunity to increase the efficiency of the transport and handling processes between the inland and the seaports.