
Brexit – Country codes Customs declarations

No official ATLAS Participant Information >/g> is yet available from the customs administration for the adaptations of the country codes in customs declarations for Great Britain, Northern Ireland and British Special Areas . The Federal Statistical Office has...

Brexit: UK publishes customs tariff tool

There is still time until 31.12.2020 to conclude a free trade agreement between the EU and the UK (UK). Then the transition period for Brexitends. Boris Johnson continues to hold on to this date. It is not yet clear what will come next. Negotiations between the EU and...

Brexit: Britain to leave the European Union on 31.01.2020

Über dreieinhalb Jahre nachdem die Briten für den Austritt aus der EU gestimmt haben und nach einigen Verschiebungen und vielen Streitereien tritt Großbritannien nun tatsächlich am 31.01.2020  mit einem Übergangsabkommen aus der EU aus. Das britische Parlament hatte...

Brexit postponement to October 31

After several votes in the British Parliament failed, Theresa May had asked for Brexit to be postponed. At a special EU summit on 10 April, May agreed with the remaining 27 EU states to postpone Brexit to 31 October....
Britain wants to postpone Brexit

Britain wants to postpone Brexit

After the 12. and On 13 March, Parliament voted by a large majority to postpone Brexit, with or without an exit agreement in the British Parliament. Now Mrs May must campaign for a postponement in the EU, because Britain alone cannot decide that the date will be...

Brexit: State of play on exit negotiations

Brexit: State of play on exit negotiations

In mid-March, the Commission published the current state of play of the Withdrawal Agreement with the United Kingdom. The 130-page document marks the sections in which both parties have already agreed on the wording, including the articles on the design of the...

Brexit white paper: Brexit and possible consequences

Brexit white paper: Brexit and possible consequences

On 23 June 2016, the British voted in favour of Brexit with around 52 percent of the vote in a referendum. Brexit is a combination of "Britain" and "Exit." After more than 40 years of membership, the art word stands for Britain's exit from the European Union - the...

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